Friday, April 13, 2012

felt like the apocalypse

Yesterday I was on the way to the market and noticed Rangers and equipment on the path by the beach. when i got closer I saw the mounds of sand, and was like WHAT is going on?!  I knew there was a sand issue from the winds, but wasn't sure this was just about that.  There was so much sand, how could it be?  I've lived near the beach my whole life and never seen such a thing.  I don't read the newspaper or watch the news, so maybe everyone else but me knew.  All I knew about the sand is every week when I go to the Zoo, the Great Highway seems to be closed and that irks me.

After talking with the Ranger, I took photo's of the craziness.  The seawall along the path is over three feet tall.  You can see in the photo the sand nearly reaches the top.   The stairs down to the beach are six feet plus.  You can see that the sand is covering the third stair.   This all means that the sand has not only blown to create these pile ups, but together with the what the water is bringing in, has created a new beach "floor".  The beach was six feet lower!  :O  so the whole surface of land the entire surface of the beach, is six feet higher!

As I walked out on the beach, it was apocalyptic.  I was the only one in that area at the time.  The sand was so compacted, that is was like walking on a firm surface, opposed to how it normally is, soft sand.  It was quiet.  I literally felt like I was the only one left in the wake of something destructive.  The silence and newness of it was beautiful.

I used to walk at the beach almost everyday.  Then I would mix it up with the Park.  Now, I haven't been to the beach for a walk in awhile, but I needed a walk and off I went.  As I walked I found beach treasures that had washed ashore.  Shells, pieces of shells, Sea Glass, interesting rocks, but no full sand dollars.  I was happy with my treasures :)

I saw birds I had only seen a few of briefly in the past.  Now there were groups of them.  Two different kinds.  I think I've IDs them correctly, Marbele Godwit and Snowy Plover.

It stormed last night and everytime I heard it pour rain, I thought, I bet there are treasures washing ashore :)

I returned again today and there were more people.  Sun was out, yesterday it was not.  Maybe that was the difference.  I'm glad for yesterday, something I had never experienced before.

I was right, there were treasures!  Many Sand Dollars and a new Bird.  I haven't ID'd it yet.  As well I may not get to labeling the photos tonight.  Will try.

I have uploaded some great photos if you are interested in seeing more :)

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