Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Wild Goat Chase!

Good Grief, I forgot to get back to this draft to post! 


Yesterday the Presidio (San Francisco) posted to their Facebook page that "The Goats have arrived", to graze on the Golf Course.  I had no idea the Goats were coming.  They also asked if anyone was there for the festivities of their arrival to share photos.  I had no idea the Goats were coming.

It may sound minor, and in the grand scheme of things it is, but this bugged me.  I love me some Goats, and would have loved to see this.  Why not post about this in advance?  In a back search they posted one previous, but that was at 11a to say the Goats were arriving at 1p.   Anyway, just a vent on that.

Today (8.8.12) I went out there to try and see the Goats.  As I walked out toward the Course, I stopped one Staffer in a cart and asked where they were.  He first made it seem like they weren't visible, in fact I'm sure he said just that.  Upon further proding, (yes I am the Goat Stalker!)  he pointed to a direction that was off in the distance and said you might be able to look down at them from the Range.  The last time I was at a Golf Course was in 1981 when I went to meet actor Tony Danza.  I know nothing about range.  Clearly as I headed off on the journey.

The journey I took was going to the left as that was the direction pointed out.  
You can clearly see on the right that the Goaters are right there.  Direction FAIL by Staffer!

There is a reason people ride in carts.  Its quite an area, a Golf Course lol!   I asked a couple people along the way and finally one guy was helpful in pointing to the exact location where he had seem them.  This spot was visible from the eact spot I asked the Staffer.  Would have been nice if he had turned, pointed and said, "There they are."   Instead I went on a half hour trek, that thankfully didn't turn out to be a Wild Goat Chase :)

As I approached I saw fencing and remembered the last time I saw Grazing Goats, there was a fence.  Duh, I should have just looked for that on my own.  Anyway, I followed the fence, while several men warned me about getthing hit in the head with a ball.  Serously, I had never even thought that would be an issue.  What Goat Stalker would?

Finally, there they were!  The Goaters in all their cute glory!

They gave me a look as I shouted out to them, "Hi Goaters!"  

I watched them a bit and they did some cute and fun things.  Ran about kicking their heels in a frolic!  Made cute Goat sounds :  Drank from a big tub.  Ran as a heard a couple times (I think one must be the leader and let's them know when to change places).  They were lovely and adorable.  They could care less that I was there.

see my video :)

Many people there seemed to think it was dangerous for me to walk about there, so not sure if I'll be going back.  I will say that the spot they were in today, frankly seemed dangerous.  It was right in the fore-front of the Range, so in the area where all the balls are hit to.  I stood behind a net, but the Goats are not protected by a net.  What if one gets hit?

I also didn't like that the Dog who "sheperds them" is in a carrier that's about 2x3 if that, with no water inside.  I will have to investigate these issues further.  I will update and post any information I find out.

I actually asked a Staffer about the Dog, and he really didn't know anything, but brought up Coyotes into the conversation mix.  Now I'm worried a Coyote may go after the Dog and/or the Goats. 

I'm also curious about the vegetation they are grazing on.  Some of it is very thorny.  I would think that would be safe.  Also there was one plant (in another area) that had a "fruit" of sorts.  I would like to find out if the plants are all ID'd and deemed safe before letting these Goats free graze entire areas.

A bit about the Goats.

The Presidio posted a bit about them and what they will do there, noting that they are Boer Goats.  They also noted the they would be there for two weeks and there would be "petting zoo" times.

Here is an article with more information:

FYI  This article states that they like the thorny stuff?

More on Goats

The Goats I saw before were from City Grazers.
 You can view photos of them here:

Some of my Goat friends at the San Francisco Zoo :)

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Bullying - Not Just About Humans

Yesterday I witnessed an assault against an Animal.  It was not my first.  

I spend almost everyday in areas where Wildlife live.  As a native of San Francisco, I am lucky to be surrounded by Parks and Beaches, as well as a Zoo. 
The stream of misbehavior towards Animals is constant.  It can be as simple as a remark that carries venom to actual physical assault of varieing degrees. 

I spend time with Nature because it feeds my Soul.  I love Animals and can not imagine a life without the connections I have with them.   

I like being outside and the calm its supposed to bring. Almost every outting my peace is interrupted by someone creating some kind of offence directed at an Animal.  It's heartbreaking.

Animal Cruelty is all around us and there seems to be no escape from the horrific stories.  Its in the news, its on our Facebook, Twitter and other Social Media sites.  There seems to be more of it with each passing day.  

Why are Humans so evil?

I have used the word evil before and have been told that I use it too casually, but honestly, I feel evil is the accurate word for what propels these actions.

I could list all the actions I've witnessed and/or heard about, but that would be at book length.  We all have either seen it or read about it.  

Yesterday I was visiting the local Swan Family.  There was a continual gathering of people looking at them.  I'd say half (which isn't a great percentage) were behaved.  The other half, were getting too close, trying to touch them, heckling them, and then there was the guy who actually kicked the Papa Swan.  Yes, KICKED!  Foot to Swan body.  It was awful.  

I most definitely had words with this guy, and different from other times I have called people out on their actions, he appologized.  I ended by telling him that his actions, "Hurt my Heart." 

When I got home I started watching the afternoon television show, The Talk.  Their opening topic was about a recent incident involving Bullying.  They showed portions of this Video

Then discussed it.

The video and the words Aiysha Tyler spoke made me cry.   I cried for that Woman and I cried for the Swan.  Both victims of mean spirited Humans.

One of the quotes from the show was a call for, "Zero tolerance for bullying"  in reference to against Humans.  In my opinion,  Zero tolerance for Bullying = Zero tolerance for disrespect of all Beings, Animals included.  Bullying is the same as other forms of abuse, as it is an action of trying to over power another, whether verbally or physically.

The actions I witness against Animals are actions of Bullying.  They may not be against a Human as Bullying is traditionally associated, but it was against a Being by a Human.  Humans seem to forget that they are Beings on this Earth, just like Animals.  

These are People who are Bullys, whether it against an Animal or a Human, they are Bullys in all areas of their life, so the act is the same.  Bullys abuse Humans and Animals.    

The reason Why? is often questioned and I feel too often compartmentalized, rather than bare boning it and calling it what it appears to be and that is bottom line evil.    After witnessing or hearing such an act, I always ask myself "Who does/says something like that?"

People who know me, know I have always had a distaste for Humans in general.  I have been sickened by their behavior for most of my life.  As I have aged, I have tailored my life to only include what matters most to me, and that is primarily Animals.  That said, I have also become increasingly hyper-sensitive to the actions perpetrated against them by Humans, therefore further increasing my distaste.  

Within a three hour span I witnessed the assault on the Swan and then I saw this video of this poor woman being assaulted by these awful wastes of Human flesh.  There aren't words really to explain the disheartening feeling of helplessness that is the subject of how Humanity can be saved.  Human behavior towards all Beings is getting worse and worse.  

How are we as a society going to stop Bullying? 

In the isolated case of this one guy, my words made him think.  Will they have a lasting effect and change his future behavior?  Are words enough?  Society rules have changed through history and what was acceptable in the days of the wild west, are no longer.  Admittedly, I am a firm believer in an eye for an eye punishment (which so far only seems to happen in movies).  Does that mean in the case of the School Monitor that verbal abuse would be the way to change the actions of these kids?  Does that mean that kicking the shit out of people who physically abuse, will change their actions?  Sure its harsh, but what is it going to take to stop these actions, because it doesn't seem like the current state of how society is working, is doing the job.  Frankly, I'm sick of breathing the same air as people like this. 

June 24-30, 2012 is Animal Abuse Awareness Week  
join the crusade and show your color :)

This video was tweeted to me in response to one of my tweets on the subject.

this is also posted on my blog -  -  you can read more posts on this topic there.

Friday, April 13, 2012

felt like the apocalypse

Yesterday I was on the way to the market and noticed Rangers and equipment on the path by the beach. when i got closer I saw the mounds of sand, and was like WHAT is going on?!  I knew there was a sand issue from the winds, but wasn't sure this was just about that.  There was so much sand, how could it be?  I've lived near the beach my whole life and never seen such a thing.  I don't read the newspaper or watch the news, so maybe everyone else but me knew.  All I knew about the sand is every week when I go to the Zoo, the Great Highway seems to be closed and that irks me.

After talking with the Ranger, I took photo's of the craziness.  The seawall along the path is over three feet tall.  You can see in the photo the sand nearly reaches the top.   The stairs down to the beach are six feet plus.  You can see that the sand is covering the third stair.   This all means that the sand has not only blown to create these pile ups, but together with the what the water is bringing in, has created a new beach "floor".  The beach was six feet lower!  :O  so the whole surface of land the entire surface of the beach, is six feet higher!

As I walked out on the beach, it was apocalyptic.  I was the only one in that area at the time.  The sand was so compacted, that is was like walking on a firm surface, opposed to how it normally is, soft sand.  It was quiet.  I literally felt like I was the only one left in the wake of something destructive.  The silence and newness of it was beautiful.

I used to walk at the beach almost everyday.  Then I would mix it up with the Park.  Now, I haven't been to the beach for a walk in awhile, but I needed a walk and off I went.  As I walked I found beach treasures that had washed ashore.  Shells, pieces of shells, Sea Glass, interesting rocks, but no full sand dollars.  I was happy with my treasures :)

I saw birds I had only seen a few of briefly in the past.  Now there were groups of them.  Two different kinds.  I think I've IDs them correctly, Marbele Godwit and Snowy Plover.

It stormed last night and everytime I heard it pour rain, I thought, I bet there are treasures washing ashore :)

I returned again today and there were more people.  Sun was out, yesterday it was not.  Maybe that was the difference.  I'm glad for yesterday, something I had never experienced before.

I was right, there were treasures!  Many Sand Dollars and a new Bird.  I haven't ID'd it yet.  As well I may not get to labeling the photos tonight.  Will try.

I have uploaded some great photos if you are interested in seeing more :)